曾经, 我们在form 4的时候陪英文老师玩了一个很荒谬的游戏 -- 写作文
Yik Soon is a naughty boy since he was a child. He always steals his friends' pencils. His partner, Rao Ling, is worse than Yik Soon, she always steals her parents' money. They are always punished by their teachers and parents alike.
One day, they wanted to steal their friends' money but were not successful. They decided to rob Maybank. At the same time, they tried to get more partners to join them. They went to find Mun Choon and Chil Pin to help them in robbing the bank. Unfortunately, Mun Choon and Chil Pin disagreed because they had decided to rob Public Bank instead. So, Rao Ling and Yik Soon went to a toy shop to buy a couple of water guns.
After buying, they went home and made a plan to rob Maybank. After planning, they started to work the plan. They went to the bank by bus. When they reached the bank, they took out their weapons and carried out their robbery.
***铃铃铃*** 下课咯~~
Monday, September 13, 2010
Saturday, September 11, 2010
近来, 很多form 6的同学都收到校长给的情信...
没办法, 5K 就是5K, 集体缺席的习俗依然存在...
p/s: 现在才发现原来自己并不是一个写作的人才... 对着laptop居然写不出任何东西... ==ll
没办法, 5K 就是5K, 集体缺席的习俗依然存在...
p/s: 现在才发现原来自己并不是一个写作的人才... 对着laptop居然写不出任何东西... ==ll
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
新年来咯!!! 哇哈哈哈哈!!!
自从有了"非死不可"(facebook, 面书啊), Blog很久没被动过了...
时间飞快地过, 不知不觉, 新的一年又到了(又要老1岁了)...
回顾上一年, 所有生活上的事情经过化学作用变成了我们的回忆... 开心的, 不开心的, 甜酸苦辣咸涩, 通通都有, 满汉全席的菜肴都不比它多. 把美好的回忆收藏起来, 那就是我们该做的assignment,不怎么值得回忆的事情, 也得file起来, 然后丢在"一二角", 没那么碍眼.
在2009年里, 5K 08的成员实在有太多太多的活动(因为都很空闲,谁说中六会很忙?骗人!)无法一一列出. 在此为大家show出一些在跨年party所拍到的照片. 敬请慢慢欣赏^^

时间飞快地过, 不知不觉, 新的一年又到了(又要老1岁了)...
回顾上一年, 所有生活上的事情经过化学作用变成了我们的回忆... 开心的, 不开心的, 甜酸苦辣咸涩, 通通都有, 满汉全席的菜肴都不比它多. 把美好的回忆收藏起来, 那就是我们该做的assignment,不怎么值得回忆的事情, 也得file起来, 然后丢在"一二角", 没那么碍眼.
在2009年里, 5K 08的成员实在有太多太多的活动(因为都很空闲,谁说中六会很忙?骗人!)无法一一列出. 在此为大家show出一些在跨年party所拍到的照片. 敬请慢慢欣赏^^

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